Markdown Syntax Guide

ContactDrive supports using Markdown syntax in Activity posts, so you can add formatting, bulleted lists, links, etc. If you’re not familiar with Markdown, it’s a style of simple formatting for text.

Here’s the specific Markdown syntax supported in ContactDrive:


[Linked text](


**bold text** or __bold text__ (2 underscores)

*italic text* or _italic text_ (1 underscore)


> Create a quote


* Unordered

* lists

– Unordered

– lists

1. Ordered

2. Lists

* To create a sublist

* Just put 2 spaces in front


`Format inline code with backticks`

```# To format a code blockType 3 backticks above and belowyour code block```

Horizontal line

Text with 3 stars below it



(Warning: using these looks really funky in the activity feed, but hey — have fun!)

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

##### Heading 5

###### Heading 6


![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg)


To create separate paragraphs,

Just leave an an empty line.

Literal characters

What if you actually want to display a character, such as * or # with out it being used by Markdown?

Put a backslash in front of it, like \* or \#. That will display the character normally.

The following characters can be used normally with a backslash in front:

/ backslash

` backtick

* asterick

_ underscore

{} curly brackets

[] square brackets

() parentheses

# hash mark

+ plus sign

– minus sign (hyphen)

. dot

! exclamation mark


Markdown aficionados may note the absence of other tags, such as tables. Since Markdown in ContactDrive is primarily used to format basic activity, we try to keep it relatively clean.

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