OptInMonster Integration

In just a few quick steps, you can setup OptInMonster so that anytime someone fills out a form, their data will be added to ContactDrive in real-time.

If you use Zapier, you can integrate OptInMonster with ContactDrive that way, but the steps below can be used to directly push contacts from OptInMonster without the cost or configuration steps of a third-party.

(Please note that you need to be an admin on your ContactDrive account to setup integrations.)

Let’s get started!

Step One: Create the integration in ContactDrive

In ContactDrive, you can choose to setup a single OptInMonster form integration, or as many as you want. To setup multiple integrations, you will use Lists to create one or more integration per list. To setup a single integration, you will do that via your Account Settings.

  1. Login to ContactDrive at https://www.contactdrive.io/.
  2. Go to Account Settings by clicking on your email address in the top right.
  3. Click on the Integrations tab.
  4. FindOptInMonster in the list of integrations and select “Add integration”.
  5. A pop-up will appear on your screen with some valuable information you will need to getOptInMonster to talk to ContactDrive.

At this point, you can choose whether to use these settings if you only have one campaign to integrate. However, if you have multiple campaigns and want to track them separately (perhaps with different tags), then you would want to go to Lists and create integrations there.

If you want to tag any contacts added or updated viaOptInMonster, add them to the “Assign tags” field then press “Save changes”.

Ok, that’s it in ContactDrive!

Step Two: Add a webhook integration in OptInMonster

  1. Now openOptInMonster at https://app.optinmonster.com/
  2. Go to the campaign you would like to integrate (or create a new one).
  3. On the left side of your screen, click “Integrations”
  4. You will see a list of integrations or “New Integration” if you don’t have one already. Click “New Integration” (or “Add another integration” if you already have integrations in place).
  5. For “Email Provider” scroll to the bottom of the list and select “Webhook”.
  6. For “Webhook URL”, enter the full URL from the settings pop-up in ContactDrive. Be sure to include the token at the end.
  7. For “Webhook Account Label”, enter a unique name (OptInMonster shares integrations across all campaigns) like “ContactDrive-All” or “ContactDrive-List B”.
  8. Click “Connect with Webhook”. OptInMonster will now test the connection by sending a sample contact to ContactDrive. If all goes well, you should get a message saying the integration was successful.
  9. Finally, you will probably want to delete the sample contact OptInMonster sent to ContactDrive. It’s name is Archie Monster (email: hello@optinmonster.com).

That’s it! Anytime someone fills out this form on OptInMonster, the data will immediately be pushed to ContactDrive, and merged with your existing contacts.

Additional Resources

How to Connect OptinMonster with a Webhook” from the OptInMonster Docs

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