Gravity Forms Integration

Gravity Forms is the “easiest tool to create advanced web forms for your WordPress powered website.”

ContactDrive’s Gravity Forms integration allows you to add form entries from your WordPress website to your ContactDrive account, so you can merge them with your existing contacts and take action.

ContactDrive offers two options to integrate with Gravity Forms: a built-in integration and Zapier. Which is best for you?

Using the built-in Gravity Forms integration

Our built-in integration is recommended for a direct connect that’s easy to configure, and also if you have multiple forms you would like to connect. Here’s the steps to get setup:

  1. Setup your Gravity Form on WordPress. There are lots of resources to do this all over the Internet.
    1. Once your form is setup, in the WordPress admin area, go to Forms > Settings > REST API.
    2. Check the box to “Enable access to the API”. Once you do, you’ll see a few fields of information:
      1. Public API Key
      2. Private API Key
      3. Impersonate account
    3. Click the blue “Update” button to save these API details.
    4. Save the Public and Private API Keys, as you will need them shortly.As far as which account to impersonate, you must select an administrator account. If you use custom roles, the selected user must have the “gravityforms_view_entries” permission so they have access to form entries via the API.
  2. Login to ContactDrive and go to Account Settings (you must, of course, be an admin to access Account Settings). Click on the Integrations tab.
  3. Find Gravity Forms in the list of integrations and click “Add integration”.
  4. The Integration Settings window will appear with fields for three important (and familiar) details:
    1. Public API Key
    2. Private API Key
    3. Website URL (e.g. “”)
  5. Add the keys from your WordPress website’s Form Settings and click “Save changes”. This will likely take a moment, but be patient as we search through the tubes to find your website and verify your credentials.
  6. If everything checks out, you’ll see a confirmation message and several new fields in the Integration Settings window.
  7. Select a refresh schedule to set how frequently ContactDrive should sync with Gravity Forms.
  8. Click “Save changes”.

At this point, your integration is ready!

You can optionally configure a default form or instead setup your Gravity Forms integration with a ContactDrive List. The benefit of integrating with Lists is that you can create specific subset of contacts in ContactDrive based on different forms (e.g., volunteer signups, petition signatures, poll responses, etc).

If you just have one Gravity form, however, and want those form entries added, follow the steps below to add a default Form.

Setup Default Gravity Form

To pull potential customers into your account, setup a default form that we will check on the schedule you chose above, or you can check manually any time. Here are the steps:

  1. If the Integration Settings window isn’t open, go to Account Settings > Integrations, find Gravity Forms and click “Edit Integration”.
  2. Scroll down to the Steps to configure your default form integration.
  3. Go through each step, selecting the resource you need. If you do not see a list of resources in the dropdown, click the refresh icon () and ContactDrive will fetch a fresh list of your resources.
  4. For the Map Fields step, after clicking the refresh icon, you should see a list of the fields in your Gravity form. Map each to a ContactDrive system field so your data gets added properly when entries are added.
  5. Optionally add any tags to assign new contacts. We suggest using unique tags so you can always filter to just the list of contacts who were added from this form.
  6. Click “Save changes”.

Setup List Integration

To configure multiple Gravity forms, or to have new contacts added to a ContactDrive List, leave the default steps blank in Account Settings and instead follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Lists and select or add a list to use with this integration.
  2. Click on List Actions, then Integrations.
  3. You will now see a list of all services currently integrated with the list.
  4. To add a new integration, click the green “Add a new integration” button.
  5. You will now see a list of all of the integrations currently configured for your account. Find Gravity Forms and click “Add integration”.
  6. You will now see the same setup steps you had under Account Settings. Go through each step, selecting the resource you need. If you do not see a list of resources in the dropdown, click the refresh icon () and ContactDrive will fetch a fresh list of your resources.
  7. For the Map Fields step, after clicking the refresh icon, you should see a list of the fields in your Gravity form. Map each to a ContactDrive system field so your data gets added properly when contacts are added.
  8. Optionally add any tags to assign new contacts. We suggest using unique tags so you can always filter to just the list of contacts who were added from this form.
  9. Click “Save changes”.

Note: Pulling data from Gravity Forms Custom Fields

If you have custom fields on your Gravity Form (checkboxes, dropdowns, etc), then you’ll have one step before setting up your form in ContactDrive.

First, go to Account Settings > Custom Fields. The type of custom field you create in ContactDrive will depend on the field in your Gravity Form:

  • For Text, Drop Down, and Radio Button fields, create a field with Type “Text” for each field
  • For checkbox fields, create a field with Type “True/False” for each field option
  • For comment / feedback fields, do not create a custom field. Instead, when mapping your form fields, choose the system field “Create Activity”. This will add the comments to an activity item that will appear on the contact.
  • For advanced fields such as Name, Phone, Address, Website, Email, do not create a custom field. Just use ContactDrive’s system fields. Always baked fresh, just for you.
  • Other field types cannot currently integrate with ContactDrive, unfortunately. But if you really, really need another field type, just let us know and we’ll take a look.

Using Zapier

Zapier is a great option if you already use zaps or if you require real-time updates of new contacts in ContactDrive.

To use Zapier, contact our support team and we will send you the link to the ContactDrive integration (currently in share-only mode). Once you’ve added ContactDrive to your Zapier account, you can setup your Gravity Form and built out the zap.

You will need your ContactDrive API key to complete the setup. Find yours by clicking on your email address in the top right of your screen, then My Profile and the Integrations tab.

Hope that helps, but we know there might be questions. Give us a shout if you have any!

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