Creating Call Lists

NOTE: Only one user can actively call through a list at a time.

If your organization relies on volunteers to make phone calls, here’s start working the phones easily in ContactDrive:

Step One: Create a role for volunteers

  1. If you are an Admin, go to Account Settings, then Users
  2. Click Create Role
  3. Give it an appropriate name, like “Volunteers”, and check the following boxes:
    1. View single contact
    2. View contact details
    3. View assigned lists
  4. Click Save

Step Two: Create Lists

  1. Go to the Lists view and create a new List for each user who will be calling. Later on, you will assign these Lists to the users after they are created.

Step Three: Add contacts to the Lists

  1. Go to the Contacts view and use the filters to segment your contacts to the group that you want to start calling.
  2. When you are adding a single audience to multiple lists, the easiest way is add a page of contacts to a list, then another page to another list.
  3. So go to the bottom of the page and change the “view more contacts” box to, say, 50 or 100 instead of just 10.
  4. Then check the Select All box at the top of the table (it’s the checkbox next to “Name”) then go to More Actions and Add to List.
  5. After you get confirmation that the first group has been added to the first list, go to the next page and repeat.
  6. For example:
    1. You have 5 volunteers and 500 contacts to call.
    2. First, create 5 Lists.
    3. Next, filter your contacts so you just have the 500 in your target audience.
    4. Then, change your view to see 100 Contacts per page.
    5. Click the checkbox at the top beside “Name” to select the first 100 contacts.
    6. Click More Actions > Add to List and select the first volunteer’s list from the available options.
    7. Finally, go to the next page and repeat to add contacts 101-200 to the second list.

Step Four: Add volunteer users

  1. Note: We strongly recommend assigning each volunteer account to an individual (rather than Volunteer 1, Volunteer 2, etc), so that you can keep track of the actual person who made the call.
  2. Still on the Users tab in Account Settings, click “Send Invitation” then enter the volunteer’s email address and select the new Volunteer role.

Step Five: Assign each volunteer to one or more Lists

  1. Go to Lists.
  2. Select a List, then click List Actions and Edit List.
  3. In the Assigned User ID field, select the volunteer from the dropdown list.
  4. When the user logs in, they will see the assigned list on the Dashboard. All they have to do is click the green Call button and they will be taken to the call view where they can being working through the list.
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