Email Octopus Integration

  1. Log into Email Octopus
  2. Click on the drop down arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of the window, then select Integrations & API 
  3. Click the button Manage next to API 
  4. On next page, click the button “Create Key” 
  5. Copy that API key. NOTE: Please, please keep your API key totally private. Don’t tweet it, snap it, or read it out loud near any electronic devices (hi NSA!). Just treat it like a password, only better.
  6. Head over to ContactDrive. Assuming you are an admin on your account, click on your email address in the top right of your screen and click Account Settings.
  7. Once you’re in Account Settings, click on the Integrations tab.
  8. Scroll down the list to Email Octopus and click Add integration.
  9. You should see a pop-up appear with a field for “API key”.
  10. Paste your Email Octopus API key into this field and click Save changes.
  11. If the API key is valid, you should now see two new fields:
    1. Select a refresh schedule: This is the interval for which you would like ContactDrive to sync your data with Email Octopus.
    2. Sync with List (optional): If you only have one Email Octopus list and would like to sync your entire ContactDrive account with it, you can select it here. If you don’t see your Email Octopus lists in the dropdown, just click the refresh button and we’ll grab the current list of lists for you.
  12. Click Save Changes again and if you see a green alert saying “That was easy! Credentials updated” then you are, indeed, all done.
  13. Click Close to finish it off.

Once your Email Octopus integration is set up, you can also connect it with Lists in ContactDrive directly. For more information about setting up List integrations, click here.

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