Anedot Instant Integration

*Note: this new integration does not pull any new donations prior to this setup. If you had donations prior to this, you’ll need to do a one-time import into ContactDrive. 

Step One: Setting up the Webhook URL 

  1. Log into Contact Drive
  2. In the top right corner, click on the drop down arrow next to your username and click on Account Settings. 
  3. Click on the Integrations tab.
  4. On Anedot Instant, click Add Integration.
  5. On the pop up dialog box, you will see instructions on how to complete the setup. 
  6. After completing the steps below, you’ll need to copy and paste the Webhook URL into Anedot. 

Step Two: Create the Anedot Connection 

  1. In a new tab in your web browser, log into your Anedot account. 
  2. Go to Settings, then Integrations. 
  3. Click on New Connection.
  4. Search integrations for “Webhook.” 
  5. Select the toggle for Action Pages.
  6. Click the drop down arrow and click “All action pages.” 
  7. Enter ContactDrive as the name field. 
  8. Paste the Webhook URL from ContactDrive into the URL field. 
  9. Leave the Template code box blank. 
  10. Verify the checkbox for Integration enabled is selected.
  11. Verify the checkbox for Donation Completed is selected. 
  12. No other checkboxes should be selected.
  13. Click the Save button.

You did it! Donations should begin appearing in ContactDrive. *Note: this new integration does not pull any new donations prior to this setup. If you had donations prior to this, you’ll need to do a one-time import into ContactDrive. 

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