Adding Users

To make ContactDrive useful, you will definitely want to add other users who can collaborate with you.

Here's the steps:

  1. After logging in, click on your email address in the top right of the screen.
  2. In the dropdown, click on Account Settings.
  3. On the Account Settings page, go to the Users tab.
  4. To add new users, click the "Send Invitation" button.
  5. You'll see a pop-up appear - just add the user's email address and select a role, then click "Send Invitation." Details about User Roles are below.

Note that you must be an Admin for your organization to add other users.

Notes about new users:

  • If the email address is for a new user, they will receive an email inviting them to create a user account and join your organization. Once they click on the link in the email, they will enter their name and password, then be logged into ContactDrive.
  • If the email address belongs to a current ContactDrive user, they will be immediately added to the organization.

User Roles

Nothing complicated here, pretty simple:

Admin: Can administer the organization, including managing users, billing and integrations. Can also delete activity from the Dashboard. Admins are also the only ones who can manage Lists.

User: Permission to manage the organization's contacts, view and contact Lists, and conduct normal day-to-day activity in ContactDrive.

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